Trustee Services
Prepare for tomorrow with our Trustee Services.
- Ensure your assets are distributed properly
- Protect from family disputes in the event there are disagreements on how your estate is administered
By partnering with MEMBERS Trust Company, we can serve as your Trustee for your estate and ensure that your assets are held, administered or distributed properly for you and your beneficiaries.
MEMBERS Trust Company can be an integral part of your estate planning as a trusted advisor and confidante during those difficult times.
View our Trust Services Glossary.
Trust services are provided by Members Trust Company, a federal thrift regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Trust and investment products are not deposits of or guaranteed by the trust company, a credit union or credit union affiliate, are not insured or guaranteed by the NCUA, FDIC, or any other governmental agency, and are subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested.